A cup of Trump. Mojave 2025
Despite having a skill-set for photographic printing from an early age, its always been a love hate thing for me. If an image is good, then printing can be a joy, if its bad, its like picking a scab. Early on in printing you used to visualize the end result and print until you got there. The problem these days with digital is that the image is ‘always there.’ You shoot, its there on a small screen, you print, its there on a bigger screen. Before the onset of digital, the joy of a large C-Type color print appearing (chemical color process from a negative) carried with it a different feeling from a digital print.
Despite digital color printing being more efficient, it lacks the satisfaction of a wet process and often with no sense of completion. Shooting film has the same effect as you have to wait to see the final image often unsure if you have it or not.
Technology has always made things more efficient, but that doesn’t always mean better.