Hold your breath and count to three.

Dark, Foggy, and Nice..

My photography can be split into three sections. 1. Fine Art, whereupon I make nice images using a large camera and tripod. Usually a single image pondered over and produced as a large print for display. 2. Project work, made up of a series of images, usually environmentally charged and made over a long period. 3. Work with no particular reason other than the joy of making photographs. The latter is usually in between other work and almost always using a single camera and lens. The freedom from using a large camera and tripod can feel quite liberating, as does pushing the boundaries of the camera. The shot above is a good example using a 35mm lens, wide open, at night, and hand held. I have been making images like this for forty years now and the feeling never quite goes away…


People and stuff..


Well that happened..