Something to talk about.
Vegas, 2000
Over the years I has learned that every photograph, no matter how simple, planned or even accidental, has a story behind it. Sometimes the story is a simple one, sometimes it could fill a book. But these stories are often the engine that drive our image making, why? Because who doesn’t like a story. But its not just the image maker that tells the story. There are usually two types of story behind a photograph, the obvious one being a photograph that is displayed in someones home, be it a family portrait or an epic landscape. Often the image will relate to some event, a fictional anecdote perhaps. The other story, and one that relates more to my own work, is a photograph that someone else has made. Here you have the story from the artist, and then maybe the story of how the image was obtained, a combination of fiction and non fiction.
But no matter what the story is, it always comes after the photograph has been made. The photograph introduces the narrative and basically gives us something to talk about.
Unlike the moving image were things need to be continually moving, the photograph introduces the story, tells the story, and leaves us with an image of that story in one single frame.