The Stories we tell one another.

Very often, good photography has an air of mystery around it. But revealing the mystery can often deflate the response, just like revealing a magic trick. As a photographer its good to keep something back, but not just visually. Countless times I have ventured out only to be ravaged by weather, attacked by dogs, charged by cows, or falling down hillsides. But as entertaining as these incidents my be, they should never be used to prop us a photograph as it will often outdo the image. Indeed, there have been times when people have sat around a dinner table talking about the baldy northern photographer who made an image while having his leg chewed on by a Pit Bull (Gas Station, Salton Sea 2004). The image then became all about the dog gnawing on my bones, and not the an area of the Salton Sea as originally intended. Of course there are times when a story and the image go hand in hand, but for now I will keep those to myself..


The Great American Dream


These three things.