The ones that got away..
A strong contender, but not in the final edit. Or maybe it should be..
Book edits are often a fickle mistress, at least for me. Unlike an exhibition, which lives for a while before taken down, or hopefully sold, a book is permanent, which, often fills me with fear. How you feel about an image one day, can change the next, so its not something that can be done quickly.
After printing around 400 images for my Fridays Rainshadow project, I spent six months looking and living with the images, each time removing a few (and sometimes adding a few) until I got down to 100. Originally I was set on a final of 80 images, but this was just too many on one subject (the desert). After a few more months and several sleepless nights, I eventually ended up with 50 images. I then spent this past week go over and over the edit making sure there were no fillers or images that were in there that didn’t fit. The whole editing process has taken about a year, but has left me with a project I am really happy with. Having said that, I may need to have just one more look.