Urban Safari.
Flamingos, Las Vegas 2004
Going through a box of old manuscripts, photographs and journals, I found a couple of dummy books I had made some time ago. There was a period when I made a few projects with the intention of finding a publisher, which I either gave up on, or shelved for another time for various reasons. Urban Safari was one of these. The book was made up of four bodies of work, Urban landscapes (Urban Sprawl), The Salton Sea (Thursdays by The Sea), Night images (Night Vision) and Seascapes (By Coastal) which all boiled down to a 10 year retrospect. Not only does the book have a great title and a fine edit, each project has an essay written by four different writers. I honestly cannot remember what happened, but my guess is that it was just too expensive to produce (180 pages), and possibly too early on in my career for anyone to give a stuff..